Corner Cafe:
Christian Entertainment
Music Variety with a Pinch of Entertainment!
Corner Cafe: Sharing the Story and Heart of an Artist comes to you live every Saturday from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. (MST) 1220 AM KLDC. The show shares the story and heart of an artist, while giving our listeners music variety. Our goal is to encourage and uplift Christian artists, while also offering a taste of music variety.
Corner Cafe is hosted by singer-songwriter Rachel Mains and Jamie Daniel, also artists. The Ambassador of Soul Biff Gore is a Corner Cafe Personality, bringing Unplugged. And, Rachel Amidei is our newest member to the team.
Check out our radio partners shows: Kirk M Samuels (with Free Indeed) and Chrysandra Brunson (with The Calling)..
Our TV Pilot, Corner Cafe: Your Cup of Inspiration, was filmed at Rocky Mountain CTN and News 2 Anchor Natalie Tysdal was our featured guest. Cassia Hendrickson (with 5Penny Productions) is the TV show’s producer and editor.
We've also got Laugh a Latte (LAL) - bringing you giggles and laughs. Watch here.
Welcome to the Corner Cafe Family!