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Michelle A Rahn

Corner Cafe Show: January 5, 2019

Meeting new experiences and challenges in life can easily lead to trepidation, especially as we journey on this unpredictable path called “aging”. Each one of us is unique and, as Mark Batterson shares: “Our uniqueness isn’t just a virtue. It’s a responsibility!”

Michelle A Rahn offers informative and inspiring presentations to help you ascertain your individual strengths and to actually feel confident while developing the process, despite ANY age. It’s never too late to be who you might have been and she will help you experience the joy of who you are and the freedom of who you’re not. Michelle recognizes that each of us experience the gravity of personal or societal expectations. As we age, it is even more imperative that we recognize our individual strengths to become the ultimate in what we CAN be.

This “singing superlative senior” brings a refreshing perspective, practical tips, and contagious energy to motivate; all delivered with music, humor and a hopeful outlook.

A second chance at life was the beginning of a new commitment to helping others as Michelle suffered a heart attack following the 1999 shootings at Columbine High School. The tragedy hit too close to home. She taught one of the young men responsible for the shootings and her husband and daughter coached with the teacher who died that day. Columbine changed her life and she came out of recovery with a new dedication to life, the choices we make, and becoming all of what life CAN be.

In addition to being an acclaimed presenter, Michelle treasures the responsibility of representing women 60 years and above as Ms Senior America 2004. She has had the privilege of witnessing women with a “zest for life” all over the United States.

Michelle is also a ‘mentor mom’ for Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS), International. She enjoys the challenge of working with young moms who are facing the incredible role of motherhood. It is the philosophy of Senior America that seniors are the foundation of America & it is upon their knowledge, experience and resources, the younger generation has the opportunity to build a better society. Michelle believes that nurturing a ‘young mom’ is the core of that foundation.

Michelle has been married to her husband Bob for 50 years. They have 2 great daughters with 2 great ’ son-in-loves” and 5 “perfect” grandchildren!

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