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Megan Isaacson

Megan Isaacson was born in Colorado. She started her career in 2000 when she flew to Australia to sing with the Continental Singers. Upon returning, she started touring with . Finally, in the early summer of 2005 she released her debut album "Close". One of the songs from this album was 'Worship," which won the Gospel Music Association award for "Song of the Year" in 2005. Winning this award made her popular in the Gospel and Christian community of music.

Megan became the gospel and Christian singer she is today because she knows the struggles of life. Which made her play this music. She says, "I love , making music but more important to me than making music is helping people catch a glimpse of how valuable they are to God, which I show them through my music." Megan is heartfelt in all of the songs she writes and performs.

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