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Love Goes Public: Saturday, December 5

“Some say ‘no religion in schools.’ I say,

‘no religion, no school.’”

Story Of Fearless Alabama Principal

LOVE GOES PUBLIC film, featuring Principal Brelinda Sullen

Auburn, AL — Dropout rates skyrocketing. Crime-ridden hallways. Drugs and teenage pregnancy rates rising. A revolving door of faculty and staff. An all-too-familiar American story, especially in Alabama’s “Black Belt” where failing schools, systemic poverty, and a deficit of hope are as common as summer humidity. A decade ago, however, an unlikely, under-resourced, unprepared principal was asked to rescue a high school from chaos and closure. Principal Brelinda Sullen relied upon the two things she knew best: her own story and her deep faith. Filmed by an award-winning Cinematographer, Oscar-winning producer, and an executive producer with 40 years working alongside students, volunteers, and communities, LOVE GOES PUBLIC is an inspiring American story of what happens when a person’s passionate faith meets a community’s desperate need. “Principal Sullen’s is an “all things are possible” story,” said Flannagan. “Her fierce and fearless faith is lived out in one of America’s most broken school systems and communities. We believe this story will not only inspire the audience, but also rally support for these students and the work of Brelinda.” Principal Sullen and her eighteen siblings grew up in poverty in rural South Georgia. She became an All-American college athlete, mother, wife, and passionate advocate to see others like her turn their tragedies into triumphs. “Love is what love does,” says Principal Sullen. Her bold Christian faith in public schools and bold leadership style may be questioned, but the results certainly cannot. Every year the dire statistics turned from glimpses of hope to head-shaking testimonials of the impossible. With dropout rates at 40% and teen pregnancy way above state averages, in three short years the graduation rate hit 100% with zero new teen pregnancies. Aspiration Entertainment will release the film theatrically in October, followed by a digital release in early 2020. The Nashville-based company specializes in distributing and marketing smart, soulful, and social impact films that move audiences from awareness to action. “LOVE GOES PUBLIC is LEAN ON ME meets UNDEFEATED. These are the types of films that cause audiences to lean forward, and hopefully, ask ‘now what?’,” said Aspiration’s co-president Erik Lokkesmoe. “Entertainment is changing. Audiences are more intentional about what they watch. They want to be participants, not passive observers. And that’s a great need in our communities — moving people from a hand-wringing complacency to a roll-up-your-sleeves commitment to work together and solve the problems right before us.”

Learn more here.

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