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Bree DuVal: How is your music different, coming from the secular music industry to faith based?


RADIO: KLDC AM 1220 Colorado Market (also TuneIn Radio app)

My Story

"I'm here to help others find Purpose in your Pain by identifying their truth through God's love. To be an instrument & reminder of hope that there is more." From trials to triumphant, Bree's life is a true testament of how the true & living God can bring-forth beauty from ashes. Using her God-given gifts to be an instrument of hope to others, she is ministering to the masses and leading others to Christ. Standing on a firm foundation, she has been sent out to be a witness to who God has shown her to be and how much love He truly has to give to the world. Bree has learned how powerful our words are and has committed creating life-giving, positive music that will renew minds, penetrate hearts and declare blessings over the lives of those who sing alongside her. She encourages self-expression through discovering your identity in Christ and fulfilling your purpose by living in your gifts. What you wear is a direct reflection of who you are and is one of the best forms of self-expression. As a clothing designer & fashion enthusiast, Bree wanted to have a line where you can feel fly in your faith, giving fashion lovers a brand to express who & who's they are. By promoting confidence, not pride, Bree DuVal brings forth a high energy-filled dose of inspiration, encouragement, motivation and self-love. Knowing that God first loved us and created each of us for greatness, you can confidently walk in faith that with God, all things are conquerable!

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