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ENTERTAINMENT FEATURE - Kirk Samuels: Saturday, March 19

Kirk M Samuels is “The Intimacy Incubator”. He is a gifted speaker and an award-winning member of Toastmasters International.

For thirty of the first forty years of his life, Kirk was addicted to pornography. Numerous relationships and careers suffered as a result. At his lowest point, Kirk was ready to end his life. Then, after the most significant of breakthroughs, Kirk created a class for men called Free Indeed. Kirk’s real, practical experience makes him uniquely qualified to speak about today’s porn consumer and relationships. His book For Your Eyes Only: The Inside Scoop About Men, Porn, and Marriage reveals to women how her man can become addicted to her.

Kirk is a featured radio personality on The Real Traci Rock Show and The Corner Café Radio. Kirk is a board member of Step Seven and Advisory Council of BeMen. In 2019, Kirk founded the non-profit Heart Freedom Foundation in a further effort to create a more connected world.

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