The core mission of Beatrice Bruno, The Drill Sergeant of Life, is to help those who desire to become the Commanders in the Army of Life they were created to be. Let me share with you the reason why any of this Army stuff happened in my life…
When my granddad, Freeman Stalworth, passed when I was 13, my life took a nosedive. I went wild and began hanging out with a very unsavory crew. After Daddy passed, there was no one left to care for me to my way of thinking.
I began playing basketball in the 7th grade and I was actually very good at it. Basketball was an outlet for me. My coach, the late Coach Jean Johnson, became a surrogate mother for me. She cared for me; she talked to me and gave me counsel. But even with all her awesomeness, she could not prevent my going astray and following after the wrong crown.
I became pregnant at the age of 16, my junior year of high school. The only things I did right at that time was decide to keep my baby, come what may, and to finish high school.
But then, after the baby was born, I made another decision that would totally affect my life for the rest of my life: I joined the US Army. In the Army, I would become something more than that 'fast Stalworth gal.' I would become a soldier, one who moved differently than she had ever moved before.
I didn't know that God had orchestrated this whole scenario so that I would later become The Drill Sergeant of Life and would help people get over themselves, get out of their own way, and let go of the PAST so they could get what they wanted out of life.
And now, that's me!
By God's grace and mercy, He turned my life around so I could be all HE has created me to be in these seasons of my life. On May 15, 1991, He got my attention and my life has not been the same since.
I have been walking, talking, preaching, and teaching the Kingdom of God since then. My goal is still No Soldier Left Behind because we are all called to be soldiers in the Army of the Lord.