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Cross Centered Records (CCR): Saturday, March 14


Cross Centered Records (CCR) is a Christian Hip-Hop record label based in Colorado Springs, CO. CCR was founded by Isaiah "Genesis" Seaborn in 2010, with a mission to bring unbelievers into a cross-centered relationship with Christ, and encourage current believers to continue moving the gospel.

Starting out merely as a joke, Genesis (then calling himself I-Mac) made silly songs about high school life. Hearing the call on his life he incorporated the gospel in his music and released his first solo album entitled "Cross Centered." This change paved the way for what is now Cross Centered Records. Now, Genesis has teamed up with Kim Seaborn, Moriah Seaborn, Josh "J. Mor", Outre' The Unconventional, 2Tall, Hannah "Hip-Happa", and Kemoy to "Move The Gospel." We encourage you to follow us on Facebook and Twitter and ask you to join our mailing list for upcoming events, shows, and albums.

The Vision for Cross Centered Records

Why share our vision?

Habakkuk 2:2-3

“And the lord answered me, write the vision, make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.

Our Vision

To use the gifting and talents that God has given us to “Move Tha Gospel” to unbelievers, while also encouraging believers to passionately follow Christ. This includes evangelizing the lost in order to pour into the local church.


What Does It Mean to M.T.G. (Move Tha Gospel)

1. Recognize that we have committed sin, and it separates us from the one and only God. (Isaiah 59:

2. (Romans 4:23)2. Know and believe that God sent his son Jesus Christ and paid the penalty that we deserved. (Romans 5: 8-9, 6:23) (John 10:10)

3. To believe, have faith, and relationship with Jesus with him we must repent and confess with our mouth that HE is lord! We ask him to save us and come into our lives (Romans 10:9-10) (2 Corinthians  5:17)

4. Read and believe that THE WORD OF GOD is one-hundred percent true. Taking this truth we apply these principles to our daily lives. We pray and tell others about Christ through communities outreaches.

5. We partner with the local church/ministries to place direct new believers on a firm foundation.

Who Our target audience is urban culture young adults and new believers. We want to point those who are hungry for Jesus to receive his love through biblical teachings. While this is the audience we target, we have connected with people of all generations.

Learn more here.

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