Bowen Abel is a husband and wife duo composed of Nathaniel and Bethany Perea. Currently based in Charleston SC, both Nathaniel and Bethany are deeply involved in their local church and serve as worship leaders at Calvary Chapel Charleston. Bowen Abel released their first EP, Still Speaks, in August of 2020. Writing had always been a passion and desire for this couple but they always felt the Lord telling them to wait. They weren't sure what they were waiting for until May of 2019. Bethany was pregnant with their third baby boy, Bowen Abel Perea, when they went in for an anatomy scan around 20 weeks. It was at this appointment that they received the devastating news that their precious baby boy has passed away. Bethany and Nathaniel were absolutely shattered at the loss of their son. It was in a season of loss and grieving that the couple very clearly felt the Lord say, "Now, now is the time to write". Writing became their way of responding to the Lord in faith during their season of loss. They began writing songs of hope and restoration even before they could see hope and restoration taking place in their life. As they began to write and share these songs with their local church, the Lord began to open doors for them to record these songs of faith.
Baby Bo's life, though short lived, became a mighty tool in God's hand through Nathaniel and Bethany's music to reach people with a message of hope and restoration in Christ. They named their EP "Still Speaks" in reference to a verse the Lord had given them during their grieving process. Hebrews 11:4 - "By faith Abel offered to God a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain, through which he was commended as righteous, God commending him by accepting his gifts. And through his faith, though he died, he still speaks." This EP is the first sound of Bowen's voice speaking through them. Bowen Abel continue to write and reach people through their music and are currently in the process of starting their first full length album.
You can reach Bowen Abel through any of their social media platforms (@bowen.abel,