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Ali Shoaga

Corner Cafe Show: August 13, 2016

My new songs started on a family vacation. I was battling a time of deep discouragement, feeling like a failure and lamenting the course of our country, coupled with that was an ever growing concern about my children inheriting a world in decline. And then, in a dream, I was given song lyrics. "I sing aloud like a megaphone mouth...sing so everybody can hear..." Those words reminded me to take my eyes off of myself and place them upon the Lord and the urgency of the Gospel. So, I started recording them in my basement, using an electric guitar that I almost never play. I learned that in the depths of sorrow the Father still sings. In fact, I find His songs are louder, sweeter and bolder, in direct opposition to the opacity of darkness. He brought me revival in that moment and gave me songs, some old, some new, that speak to my personal need, and the needs of this nation. Revive. It's our only hope.

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