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Abigail Sloane

Corner Cafe Show: March 3, 2018

“Your story matters, who you are matters, tonight matters, none of it is an accident.  You were born for the blue skies.” – Jon Foreman

Abigail Sloane began singing from a very young age, finding it a powerful outlet for expressing joy, sorrow, turmoil, excitement, and imagination. She began singing in plays and at church where she found worship music to drive her passion even further. She began writing music by age eleven and pursued the path of a singer/songwriter. Not only did she find that her passion for writing helped her through life’s storms, but she soon discovered that her music touched the lives of others who were facing the same tumultuous upheavals.

Abigail looks to take her music to the world, showing the broken and the hurting that there are better days ahead. As someone who has battled depression and fought dark days, she wishes to equip those who hear her music with the same weapons that helped her to fight passed the deepest nights. Her faith is what keeps her grounded and humble and she finds deep connections with those who are in her life. She seeks to make connections with more and more people that might need to hear words of encouragement.

These goals and desires led Abbie to Eric Copeland of Creative Soul Records. In March of 2017, she traveled across the country to Nashville, Tennessee where, with the help of Eric, producer/guitarist Jonathan Crone, and photographer/designer Erick Anderson, she pursued one of her greatest dreams; recording a music album for anyone and everyone to hear. She is pleased to present you “Reason and Rhyme”, hoping that in it, you will find as much inspiration and hope as she has.

Learn more and click here.

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