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Aaron Wardle

Corner Cafe Show: November 5, 2016

Aaron Wardle is a Creative/Pastor out of Boulder, Colorado. With a fondness for words, deep affection for roots rock and a tendency for bouts of reckless laughter, he prides himself on his emotional range and diversity in creative expression.

His fierce drive to live a life of authenticity causes his music to explore joy and pain, dreams and disappointment, love and loss, leaving no space of the soul untouched. He wears his heart and spirituality on his sleeve while wrapping it in poetic phrasing with the vulnerability of someone who has weathered more than a few storms. His songs are his prayers.

His vocational journey has taken him from the local church to higher education and back again. As a pastor he is fueled by the burden to create space for people to encounter the presence, power, truth love and mystery of God. The mandate to be the “Shoshben” or friend of the bride groom is at the core of his calling.

Aaron and his wife Destry have been married almost 18 years and have two wonderful and creative daughters who have caught the worship leader-singer songwriter bug at an early age.

He serves as Pastor of Worship and Arts at Cornerstone Church in Boulder. In his spare time he teaches classes for Simpson University, leads worship for seminars/conferences and plays in the band Francis and the Wolf.

He has been recording original music for the last ten years. His early projects Closer (2005) Simply (2008) Ruin Me (2010) were self produced and released, while the last two, Afraid To Live (2012) & Fixed On You (2015) were produced by Jeremy Edwardson and released on Rooster Records.

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